Flooding in Kenya's Samburu National Reserve

March and April are the rainy season in Kenya, and this year the Samburu region has been particularly hard-hit. On March 4th the Ewaso Inyiro River burst its banks sending a huge flood-wave of water downstream. Six tourist lodges were destroyed along with several research camps, including the Save the Elephants research camp. People had to take to the roofs, and many young animals were swept away by the currents. Fortunately the elephant population was largely unaffected, and there has been little loss of human life.
Since then the flood waters have receded, but there is still more rain expected. Rebuilding has begun at several lodges, with the hopes of having everything up and running again in several months. We at AAC are keeping our ears to the ground. Getting tourists back to the area will greatly help in the recovery. Samburu remains a top game viewing region, and there are several camps and lodges in the area which have suffered minimal or no flood damage.
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